I've been learing a lot about cyber security during the last couple of years. Reading some books, testing stuff, practicing in platforms like vulnhub or hackthebox, etc. One of the problems I found during the privilege escalation phase, when I gained a shell into a linux machine, is the lack of a tool that finds important security problems that I can exploit to gain further access.
One of the tools I use for local enumeration in linux is LinEnum, which is great and shows a lot of information about the system you are in. However, for me, the feature that I missed was some kind of filtering about the information. A way to see clearly if there is something specially vulnerable or poorly configured in a system. In other words, I wanted some information filtering and blinking arrows pointing towards critical exploitable vulnerabilities.
For this reason I started to see if I could contribute to the LinEnum project adding this feature, but eventually I realized that it was too complex to change LinEnum as it required a heavy code refactoring to add different levels of verbosity. For that reason I ended up coding linux-smart-enumeration, or lse.
With lse, you have several verbosity levels. In the default level (level 0), you basically see the most important information that you can use in a privilege escalation. It will use nice coloring so it is easy to see the different vulnerabilities.
In case you dont see anything important in level 0 verbosity, you can switch to level 1. Here you will see the "important stuff" that might not have been automatically detected in level 0.
Finally you have level 2, that basically dumps everything about the system that this tool gathers.
You can also select exactly what tests to execute, individually or by sections.
Please, check the lse github for more information.
Here is a video of the tool in action so you can see a bit of what it does and how it looks.